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Civic Dialogue / 公民對談

Democracy is based on a healthy civil society whose members are willing to engage themselves in the public process. This blog presents thoughts on public affairs and invites anyone interested to comment.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The role of a government

雷鼎鳴 - 香港科技大學經濟系教授
為什麼大政府對經濟不妙「政府角色」本來是一項務虛的理念問題,但因為經濟學中早已積累了大量有關的理論與實證,所以我也樂意介紹。政府應有所為有所不為,後者需要更大的智慧,因此我先作討論。曾特首說港府開支(應是公共開支)要限制在GDP的20%以下,便符合「大市場,小政府」原則。政府第一不應做的便是搞大政府,這點曾特首沒有錯。我們先不爭論20%是否早已過高,但卻要搞清楚為什麼大政府對經濟不妙。經濟學家絕少會是無政府主義,他們深信政府有恰如其分的角色要扮演,例如,假設社會沒有執法人員保護產權,經濟不可能會發達。政府既有角色,便必須用錢,所以零支出的政府不可能最好。另一極端是政府控制了社會中所有資源,歷史經驗早已證明這會帶來經濟災難。那麼,最適當的政府規模應多大?這問題因各國國情有別,不好回答,但哈佛的巴羅 (RobertBarro)十多年前的實證結果卻顯示,在當今世界中政府用錢愈多,經濟的長期增長率便愈低。這結果可理解為現在各國的政府都已經是過大了。限制其規模,對經濟增長大有好處。

My articles on pulic policies

Sunday, September 21, 2008

明報網上民調結果顯示:華裔選票更能左右大局 (明報加西版)

This is an interesting move by Ming Pao in Vancouver. While the validity of the survey can be contested (because participation was voluntary), it was a first step in obtaining some understanding of the Chinese voters' views on the election. More work needs to be done - especially in scientifically validated fashion - to research about the political views of the Chinese voters, instead of simply relying on anecdotal accounts or party-based propaganda.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Dark Day for Pakistan

Benazair Bhutto's assassination represents a dark day in Pakistan. As the January election approaches, the purpose of this assassination is clear. Whoever the perpetrators are, their intention is to stop the election and Pakistan's road to democracy. In time, we may know the truth behind this, but for now, the world is watching as to what the Pakistani government will do to respond.

There is every reason to be afraid of rising internal conflicts in the country. No one would want to see an unstable Pakistan, one of the nuclear powers in this region, and we can only hope that at this time, the Pakistani people can come together and unite for the future of their country.

Find out more about Bhutto's assassination and Pakistan on CBC and CNN.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide (McGill University, October 11 - 13, 2007)

The McGill University Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism hosted the first major international conference of its kind on the prevention of genocide. From October 11th to 13th, 2007, in Montreal, Canada, The Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide brought together from around the world survivors, witnesses, legislators, diplomats, activists and others whose lives have been forever changed by humanity’s most horrific invention. It represented the first major non-governmental conference on genocide since the United Nations, in 1948, first moved to label and criminalize what Winston Churchill once called “the crime that has no name.”

The Conference opened a dialogue between decision-makers and genocide survivors, between the leaders of this generation and those of the next, with the goal of exploring means of preventing genocidal violence, rather than focusing on ad hoc intervention.

The Conference was made possible by generous support from the Echenberg Family Foundation and is organized by the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and the McGill University Faculty of Law.

All proceedings can be viewed online at the Conference's official website.

A Special Documentary about Darfur on CBC.ca

You can watch "On Our Watch" - a special documentary about Darfur, Sudan - on CBC.ca.

To find out more about Darfur, go to Save Darfur Canada.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bordertown: A Flim about Violence Against Women

Amnesty International USA

Watch Bordertown and Take Action to End the Femicides in Mexico and Guatemala

Some films have the power to educate and prompt people to act. Amnesty International is proud to support Bordertown, starring Jennifer Lopez. This film tells the story of a reporter who is sent to Juarez, a city gripped with fear where hundreds of women have been brutally raped and murdered. Visit Amnesty's website and learn more about the film and find out how you can take action to end the killings of women in Mexico and Guatemala.

Here is a link to the Juarez Project if you want to find out more.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pics from Darfur

You can find out more about Darfur's situation simply by googling with "Darfur Sudan".

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Having a voice - not just a vote - in democracy

Thursday, January 18, 2007

World on Fire - A song/video by Sarah McLachlan

The video for World On Fire opens with the claim of having cost $150,000, despite the ensuing low-quality footage of McLachlan in a plain room playing her guitar. The video continues to reveal it actually cost $15, then tracking (in animated and videotaped segments) how the remainder went to enriching lives all around the globe through charity donations.

It is one of McLachlan's most political songs, intended to graphically illustrate the impact that even relatively small individual donations might have on third-world poverty.

You can watch the video at http://www.worldonfire.ca/

World On Fire

The worlds on fire its more then I can handle
Ill tap into the water try and bring my share
Try to bring more, more then I can handle
Bring it to the table
Bring what I am able

Hearts are worn in these dark ages
Youre not alone in these stories pages
The light has fallen amongst the living and the dying
And Ill try to hold it in
Yeah Ill try to hold it in


I watch the heavens but I find no calling
Something I can do to change whats coming
Stay close to me while the skys falling
I dont wanna be left alone dont wanna be alone


Hearts break hearts mend love still hurts
Visions clash planes crash still theres talk of
saving souls still colds closing in on us

We part the veil on our killer sun
Stray from the straight line on this short run
The more we take the less we become
The fortune of one man means less for some


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

AM1470 Commentators' Events of the Year for 2006

In case you have not had the opportunity to tune in, here are the Events of the Year (2006) chosen by the commentators on AM1470.

What is your pick? Share it using the Comments feature.

KK Wan: Defeat of the Liberals by the Conservatives
- it is important that we do not let one party stay in government for too long

Thomas Leung: Taiwan's presidential scandal
- despite democratic progress in Taiwan, there is much to be improved

Winnie Fong: Increase of crime and the importance of public safety
- the ordinary citizens feel most impacted by the lack of security in the society

Ronald Leung: Canadian identity and issue of "dual citizenship", sparked by the Lebanese incident
- who are Canadians and where does our loyalty lie?

Michael Yue: Time Magazine's Person of the Year - YOU
- a new civil society made possible by the new internet technologies, allowing ordinary citizens ("you") to express themselves and to connect with one another
- listen to my clip

Kenny Chiu: US mid-term elections and the victory of the Democrats in both houses
- significantly affecting the future policy directions of the Bush government, which can no longer dominate the houses

Nelson Tsui: Emerson's switch from the Liberals to the Conservatives
- a blow to our belief in democratic representation

Finella Sun: The Head Tax Redress campaign and its accomplishments
- consequence of the hard work of the Chinese community to ensure that the Canadian society remembers and will not make the same mistake again

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Middle East Crisis

The Middle East is again in crisis. The US, as usual, is backing up Israel, and this time, I suspect that Israel might have even been given the green light by the US before their military action. Now, Israel is calling Syria, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah the "Axis of Terror", the language of the US in their war against terror. An open war seems eminent.

I believe that with US blessing, Israel is just using the kidnapping of their soldiers as an excuse to lauch the attack on Hezbollah. To what extent is the US behind the Israsli action is up to anyone's guess. I, for one, believe that the US is there every step of the time.

The Republicans are falling behind in public polls, and it seems that the Bush administration is taking a bold step of using a war to divert the American public's attention. What they have forgotten, though, is that the drop in support by the American public had everything to do with the mess they have created in Iraq.

History seems to repeat itself all the time. The suffering of innocent civilians is of no concern to the power-hungry politicians. Where should we stand in the brink of war?